글로벌한 관점에서 세계와 소통하는 안목을 키우다
Development of a Global Lifelong Learning Index for Future Education
Since the transition from industrial society to a knowledge-based society, the source of national competitiveness is also changing. In this context, lifelong education has become a new competitive strategy for countries. This study broadly consists of three steps. Step I
The Cost of Not Educating the World’s Poor: The New Economics of Learning
The book traces how global instability, problems of environmental degradation, spread of global disease, migration and political instability are a cost of viewing the uneducated poor as separated from a network of fast-growing global knowledge. This book shows how
Adapting Smartphones as Learning Technology in a Korean University
iPhone and Android technology only became available in Korea in 2010, yet today, nearly every student in Korea’s top university carries either an iPhone or Android enabled phone. Students are plugged in and communicating constantly. One Lifelong Learning class1 investigated
Building Strength Through Knowledge Networks in Higher Education
The paper discusses the underlying economic shifts that cause a paradigm shift in the way that higher education contributes to society’s progress. In particular, the movement from industrial production towards a knowledge economy and from national systems of education toward
Using Collective Adaptive Networks to Solve Education Problems in Poor Countries
Can education problems in poor countries be successfully addressed using knowledge economics? The old development model posits that poor countries must follow the rout e of richer countries, progressing up a scale of development. But, an emerging theory of development
A Learning Systems Approach to Cross-Cultural Virtual Organizations
Globally linked virtual organizations (VOs) hold the promise of successfully tackling complex problems and designs that lead social, industrial and technological innovation. Yet these cross-cultural virtual organizations (CCVOs) appear to be hampered by problems of communication, conflict and productivity. One
How Collective Intelligence Redefines Education
While collective intelligence systems become ubiquitous for learning in knowledge industries, civic life and personal lives, they have yet to be embraced into formal schooling systems. Still, learning, knowledge and assessment protocols adhere, in large part, to the educational system’s
Fostering Community-based Learning Leadership: A Korea–Zambia Project Design
Leadership in education begins with the establishment of a strong link between education and a healthy society. In the world’s poorest areas, too often formal education systems have been imported with little thought as to how they integrate with the